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We encourage you to use
Today in the Word a devotional by Moody Bible Institute!



We are the English Ministry at 

the Korean United Presbyterian Church.


By the grace of God, to pursue a biblical and loving community:

  • Through worship and fellowship

  • Through abiding in Jesus and His Word

  • Through the sharing of Christ in our world near and far



Join us on Sundays.

There are 2 ways to join us for worship either in person or via live stream at 11:00 AM.

We also have "9:30 AM Servants Service" for those who are serving in different ministries.

*No streaming service offered for 9:30 AM.


​We also want to encourage everyone to stay faithful in supporting our ministry.  Tithe & offering can be given through our Zelle account, or you can also mail in your checks payable to KUPC (5909 N. Rogers Ave., Chicago, IL 60646). 

Acts 2:46-47 record, “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."(ESV)

We believe that in order for us to grow as the biblical and loving body of Christ, God calls us to worship corporately in the temple. We, therefore, offer two worship services on Sundays. Our Sunday worship services are contemporary in format, but conservative & reform in theology. All are welcome. Our congregation consists of members from all stages of life ranging from college students to empty nesters.



Life Groups

"Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near (Hebrew 10:25)."

God also calls us to meet in our homes to build each other up through biblical discussions, sharing of lives & praying as one.  Through life groups, members can experience the love of God & favor of His people.  Currently, there are 3 life groups serving 1) northwest suburbs, 2) Evanston/Skokie/Chicago, and 3) Chicago.  Whether you are a working single or married with or without children, there is a right life group for you.   

Please contact us at for more information on life group ministry and how to join.



Upcoming Events 

  • Jan. 4 (Sat.):  The annual EM holiday party

  • Jan. 15:  All life groups resume

  • "Tuesday Night Fellowship" also resumes this month. 

  • Jan. 19:  EM singles in charge of the dishes & kitchen clean up.

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